Jimmy Butler Isolates in Escape Room After Miami Heat Loss

Jimmy Butler

All NBA teams and players handle wins and losses differently. The great ones dive into the film, maybe hit the weight room or go back to the court to work on their game. Not Jimmy Butler. At the moment, Jimmy Butler is not handling the feelings that come with being a loser with any kind of fucking poise.

After the fifth NBA Finals loss of his overrated career, Butler didn’t head back to the drawing board or gather with his teammates. In fact, he didn’t do anything that might resemble the Heat culture Pat Riley and the Miami Nose Candy have worked so sleeplessly to build. 

Strung out or not, it’s no wonder Pat’s forgotten that 42-year-old Udonis Haslem is even still on the roster. Maybe that has more to do with Riley’s age at this point.

Instead, Butler proved why he’ll never take the steps necessary to become an NBA star. According to General Soreness himself, Butler opted to head to an ‘escape room’ after letting his teammates down once again. Meanwhile, his Miami Heat teammates are the ones who have to dig deep and find their playoff balls as they feel abandoned by their fearful leader.

Just like when Jimmy was limping his way off the Minnesota Timberwolves, his teammates are the ones left to pick up the slack while attempting to carry the team to the finish line. Of course, this time Butler did not even need the scraper, Rachel Nichols, to carry out his diabolical plan of self-destruction and team chemistry implosion.

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Jimmy Butler on Downward Spiral Toward Rock Bottom

His shame grew so great that Butler was afraid to even show his face following the team’s 104-93 loss to Nikola Jokic and the Denver Nuggets. Understandably so. This deliberate avoidance of the media after a career-defining loss takes the walk of shame to a whole new level.

Unfortunately, nothing in Butler’s life is going right, as usual. Here are the has-been’s almost-too-revealing comments following Game 1:

“Played a lot of spades. Spades didn’t go too well for me yesterday, now that I think about it. I’m going to do an escape room tonight. I think my guys went and saw Spiderman today. Just doing normal stuff, because at the end of the day, I’m as normal as they come. It’s not always about basketball.”

As Butler admits, it’s not about basketball anymore for the never-will-be. It’s sad to hear him try to convince the general public he’s “as normal as they come.” It’s clear the soon-to-be former athlete has completely lost touch with who he is as of late. 

First of all, there is nothing normal about forcing your way off of every single team you have ever been on for selfish reasons. Secondly, why didn’t Jimmy Butler go with his teammates to see Spiderman? It’s become pretty clear Jimmy Butler’s teammates have grown tired of the NBA’s version of Bozo the Clown and his borderline-psychopathic antics.

While it’s clear Erik Spoelstra, one of the NBA’s most respected coaches, shouldn’t quit his day job any time soon, perhaps it’s time Jimmy Butler hangs up his worn-out shoes simply out of respect for the game of basketball.

Will Butler overcome his fear and work up the courage to show his face on Sunday for Game 2 at Ball Arena in Denver, Colorado? If Jimmy really wanted to make a great career decision, he would fail to find his way out of the escape room and choose to avoid embarrassment by staying home. 

The facts are clear, one more dreadful appearance from Jimmy ‘can’t get’ Buckets will tarnish his last shred of remaining dignity, forever. After his intentional self-dismissal from official team activities such as going to the movies, it’s hard to imagine ANYONE in Miami wanting Butler to play another minute in a Heat uniform ever again.

Sometimes it’s just time to hang ‘em up, Jimmy. Your time has come. Good riddance.

Do you actually believe this shit? What’s wrong with you? This article is 100% satire, and nothing you have fucking read on this page should be taken seriously.

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Harvey Ballbanger

Harvey Ballbanger loves to shoot the shit. If he were bigger, he’d probably be a baller. Hell, if he hadn’t gotten a wing clipped, he’d be Ballbangin’ for the NFL right now, messing around with triple-doubles in his downtime in the NBA. But that isn’t the case. Instead, Ballbanger’s letting it all hang out, delivering fresh piles, from one throne to another.

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