Sean Payton Auditions for Elton John Cover Band

Sean Payton's Elton John Cover Band meme

During the 2023 NFL Season, Denver Broncos head coach Sean Payton made a bold fashion statement with his Elton John glasses. In case you’re wondering why he decided to wear such outlandish frames, it’s because he loves sitting back and playing piano like a “Candle in the Wind”.

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Emo Jimmy Butler Demands Trade

Emo Jimmy Butler Demands Trade meme

Jimmy Butler and the Miami Heat are coming off yet another disappointing season after being eliminated from the NBA Playoffs by the Boston Celtics. The pathetic 2024 Heat playoff run ended after only five games. 

To say Butler has off-court distractions would be an understatement considering he did not play in a single game for the Heat against the Celtics. Jimmy didn’t care if the Heat won or lost, he’s more worried about whether he’ll get a max contract this off-season. Playoffs? Jimmy only gets off by not playing these days!

On top of that, Butler has his eye on becoming the lead singer of a new group, perhaps even away from Miami, if necessary. Word on the street is, the “Jimmy Butler demands trade from the Miami Heat” talk is circulating because he doesn’t like their setlist anymore:

It’s no secret Jimmy has been a secret admirer of emo music since its inception, but it wasn’t always known publicly. Butler decided to finally make his emo obsession public by showing up with a new hairstyle at the NBA’s media day before the start of the 2023-24 season.


The paparazzi came out in full force while everyone was ready to roll out the red carpet for Kimmy Butler, the newest lead singer in every underground emo band you’ve probably never heard of. Like, whatever. It’s not like a big deal or anything…

Since then, Butler has become a bit of an emo celebrity. Now, Jimmy is trying to decide how to balance his basketball career with his emo priorities while capitalizing on his newfound fame. When you really think about it, Jimmy’s love for emo was always obvious considering his constant teenager-like behavior.

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Charles Barkley Is The Round Mound of Knuckleheads

Charles Barkley is The Round Mound of Knuckleheads Meme

When it comes to inadvertent, unadulterated soundbites, it’s becoming clear that Charles Barkley is The Round Mound of Knuckleheads. Even though he is far removed from his playing days as an undersized and overweight forward in the NBA, Barkley still continues to deliver highlight reels for the ages on a nightly basis.

Unfortunately, Barkley’s lackadaisical approach to working out and his hatred for the gym ultimately did him in as a player. His lack of discipline became obvious as he struggled to stay in shape over the course of his career. When asked what his typical workout routine was as a player, Barkley eagerly provided a demonstration using a Shake Weight:


Surprisingly, despite Barkley’s athletically challenged physique, he was actually a halfway decent basketball player back when he could still reach his toes to lace them up. During his NBA career, he waxed glass to the tune of 12,546 rebounds, proving Barkley’s knack for chasing balls. Sir Charles was so good at grabbing balls in a crowd that he earned an immortal nickname: The Round Mound of Rebound.

As a result, Chuck always had balls in his hands but he also knew how to use his clappers to score. In fact, Ball Hog Barkley scored a total of 23,757 points throughout his playing career. That takes a lot of balls. Nobody doubts Barkley’s ability to find the hole and get it in there.

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Anaheim Ducks Install Flying V To Become Mighty Ducks Again

Anaheim Ducks Install Flying V To Become Mighty Ducks Again Meme

The Mighty Ducks Will Soar to Success With the Flying V

Do you remember the Mighty Ducks? Unfortunately for hockey fans, the NHL has long forgotten the glory days of this once proud franchise. Long gone are the Finnish Flash days of Teemu Selänne flying down the ice while Paul Kariya sets the table.

Instead of watching a great celly by Selänne or Kariya, the Anaheim Ducks are currently putting the finishing touches on another pathetic year as the 2023-2024 NHL season comes to a close. Their duck bills didn’t even come close to sniffing the playoffs, yet again.

At the time of publishing this article, the Ducks sit in seventh place of the Pacific Division with 54 measly points on the season. Their record is an even bigger quack job with 25 wins, 48 losses, and four overtime losses. Coaches around hockey are already cracking wise while taking low blows at the expense of the Ducks:

“Anybody could beat these pansies!”

– Coach Jack Reilly, Hawks

Yet, there seems to be no end in sight for this ragtag group of amateurs. Their downward spiral to the bottom of the NHL Western Conference standings continues at a record pace. Even former Mighty Ducks are chiming in on the dookie being dropped by Anaheim this season:

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Should MLB Legalize Steroids to Get Fans Jacked About Baseball Again?

Should MLB Legalize Steroids to get fans jacked about baseball? meme

MLB Hit Peak Popularity During Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, and Sammy Sosa Era

In a groundbreaking move to inject some much-needed adrenaline into America’s former favorite pastime, Major League Baseball is contemplating a radical new strategy in an effort to put more butts in the bleachers: legalizing steroids. Believe it or not, there is a serious conversation going on behind closed doors: should MLB legalize steroids?

This controversial new proposal suggests that allowing players to bulk up could reignite the spark that once made baseball the nation’s favorite sport. The data MLB is using to fuel this debate is the legendary 1998 home run race which kept fans tuned into the season like never before. And, sadly, never again since.

Who could ever forget the great home run race of 1998? This was the last time baseball was as electrifying as a Fourth of July fireworks display. The stage was set for a historic showdown between two of the most honorable sluggers of all time, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa. They were jacked to the tits:

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Proof the Zion Williamson Diet Works

Proof the Zion Williamson Diet is Working Meme

How Zion Williamson’s Fast Food Diet is Supersizing His Game

Back in December of 2023, Zion Williamson’s strict diet of fast food made clickbait headlines again. Like Slim Fast commercials back in the day, Williamson’s diet, or lack thereof, always seems to be overplayed. Luckily, Williamson shrugs it off with the kind of cool you’d expect from the Big Easy. Enjoy that new nickname, Zion, you’ve earned it.

Needless to say, Williamson’s physique remains a topic of conversation whether the NBA superstar is active or sidelined by injuries. Much like Williamson’s weight, the speculation regarding how Zion’s obesity affects his play is getting out of control.

In fact, rumor has it Jenny Craig reached out to Williamson to gauge his interest in becoming their new spokesperson. A Fly On The Ball reached out to Williamson’s representatives to confirm whether the rumor is true, but much like a Zion airball, any kind of a response seems to have been lost like a queef in the wind.

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The Everlasting Ballstopper: New James Harden Candy Coming Soon!

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It’s no secret that Willy Wonka changed the game when it comes to sugar and candy. That’s why the famous candy gods chose to name their newest scrumtrulescent creation after James Harden of the Los Angeles Clippers.

Coming soon to a convenience store near you is the Everlasting Ballstopper, a new gob-stopping flavor dropped in collaboration between Willy Wonka and James Harden. This new designer candy is fire.

When A Fly On The Ball reached out to Willy Wonka with questions regarding why they chose Harden as inspiration for their new Everlasting Ballstopper candy, the candy-czar’s response was short and sweet:

“Game recognize game.”

– Willy Wonka on Harden’s Contribution to the Everlasting Ballstopper

Wonka originally scheduled a night out on the town in Los Angeles to catch a Clippers game but the big Hollywood star is always so busy. As a result, A Fly On The Ball had the privilege to catch a Clippers game in Wonka’s suite along with some of the top-performing Oompa Loompas within the company.

Thanks to Wonka’s generous open-bar policy, there were unlimited drinks and sweets on hand. By sticking around, A Fly On The Ball was able to catch some interesting behind-the-scenes tidbits regarding how Wonka originally came up with the idea for the Everlasting Ballstopper.

There was one Oompa Loompa in particular, Iggywumpus Guzzle-Gloop, who had an affinity for Snozberry Schnapps. So, ol’ Buzz McFly slipped the bartender a 20 and told him to “keep ’em comin!” He obliged. By the time the third quarter rolled around, a nightmarish sugar buzz was in full swing while the booze was encouraging loose lips. Journalism 101.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Iggywumpus went all Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds while deciding to drop a few tabs under the blue moon. Finally, a golden ticket to the Everlasting Ballstopper story. The details were about to get juicy.

Iggywumpus Guzzle-Gloop Oompa Loompa Drops Acid
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Is Big Bird Coaching Atlanta Falcons?

Is Big Bird Coaching Atlanta Falcons Arthur Smith meme post Final version

How Arthur Smith and Arthur Blank Are Giving Art a Bad Name

It’s never a good look when you lose to the worst team in football. Not only did the Atlanta Falcons fall to a Carolina Panthers team that would be hard-pressed to compete in the SEC, the Dirty Birds appear to have been grounded for good. Let’s face it, this Atlanta Falcons team is built to compete in an era before the forward pass was even legal.

Ask any bird or fly for that matter. It’s impossible to take off with clipped wings. The Falcons couldn’t move the ball through the air even if they wanted to. There have been plenty of Monday morning armchair general managers who want to blame the Atlanta Falcons quarterback room, but that just isn’t fair.

The real reason why the Falcons can’t get airborne has nothing to do with Desmond Ridder’s lack of talent, inability to read a defense, or go through his progressions. Rumor has it that Falcons head coach Arthur Smith is afraid to fly. Smith’s clear fear of flying is the primary reason he doesn’t even have a dedicated quarterbacks coach on his staff in 2023.

Just like Big Bird, Arthur Smith doesn’t have the wings or aerodynamic body type required to achieve flight. Both Big Bird and Arthur Smith have the beak and the aftermarket bug shield in place, by all accounts, they look like birds. Yet, something seems off. Something just isn’t quite right here.

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George Costanza Interviews for Los Angeles Chargers General Manager Vacancy

Chargers Interview George Costanza For General Manager Vacancy Meme George Costanza Interviewing for Los Angeles Chargers General Manager Vacancy Meme Post Version

George Costanza Set To Prove He Is Penske Material Once and for All

In an effort to head into retirement on a high note, former New York Yankees assistant to the traveling secretary, George Costanza, is currently flying en route to Los Angeles. Costanza feels he has one more dream job left in him before calling it a career and the Los Angeles Chargers want to hear his plans for turning the franchise around.

It’s no secret Costanza has always been curious about what the West Coast has to offer. At times, George thinks he wants to get away from the bustle of the Big Apple to see if he could ever fit in with the cool kids out west. A lot of people don’t realize this, but George Costanza is actually a bit of a bad boy:

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Draymond Green Punching Below Weight Class and Still Losing

Draymond Green's Punch-Out meme with text Draymond Green Punching Below Weight Class and Still Losing Post Version

Draymond Green’s Punch-Out!!

It’s another day that ends with the letter Y which means it’s another opportunity for Draymond Green to tarnish whatever he thinks his legacy is. To say Green has been out of control lately would be an understatement. Plenty of people are already saying the Golden State Warriors would be better off without Green’s costly distractions, behavior, and off-court drama.

There are even a few voices calling for the NBA to issue a lifetime ban to Green after his latest fiasco. Why not? If Pete Rose can still be banned from baseball after legalizing sports gambling, why not throw the book at this bozo, Draymond Green? Adam Silver has already issued an indefinite suspension for Green’s latest low blow to the NBA’s non-violent public relations effort.

It’s clear the NBA has a discipline problem, they are not coming down hard enough on players such as Ja Morant of the Memphis Grizzlies and Draymond. Players think they can do whatever they want, including brandishing weapons in public or physically ambushing other players on the basketball court, because there are no consequences.

Speaking of Morant, in a matter of only one month, Green has made the entire NBA community completely forget about how immature Ja is. It all began when Draymond Green put Rudy Gobert of the Minnesota Timberwolves in a headlock during a matchup on November 14:

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