George Costanza Interviews for Los Angeles Chargers General Manager Vacancy

Chargers Interview George Costanza For General Manager Vacancy Meme George Costanza Interviewing for Los Angeles Chargers General Manager Vacancy Meme Post Version

George Costanza Set To Prove He Is Penske Material Once and for All

In an effort to head into retirement on a high note, former New York Yankees assistant to the traveling secretary, George Costanza, is currently flying en route to Los Angeles. Costanza feels he has one more dream job left in him before calling it a career and the Los Angeles Chargers want to hear his plans for turning the franchise around.

It’s no secret Costanza has always been curious about what the West Coast has to offer. At times, George thinks he wants to get away from the bustle of the Big Apple to see if he could ever fit in with the cool kids out west. A lot of people don’t realize this, but George Costanza is actually a bit of a bad boy:

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5 Unique Stars New York Knicks Need to Trade for Next

New York Knicks

Madison Square Garden has never witnessed a true winner walk through those doors. Without one of these trades, they may never see one, especially if they continue to ignore our well-thought-out free agency recommendations. That’s the sad reality, and New York Knicks fans know it all too well.

But we won’t harp on the fact that, historically, the New York Knickerbockers are losers, with a career win rate below .500. We’re certainly not going to go on and on about how the Knicks have existed for 77 seasons yet have only won the NBA championship a measly two times. That’s a success rate of just 2.5%.

Of course, New Yorkers are the smartest, most in-touch sports fans in the entire world. I don’t need to remind them of the Knicks now having gone 50 consecutive years without winning a goddamned thing. 

It’s clear the Knicks don’t know what they’re doing when building a basketball team. They’re a developmental squad fit for the G League more than belonging with winners in the NBA.  The Knicks are the Flint City Tropics. Hands down.

Players around the association view the Knicks as a stepping stone, where players do a stint in New York, then go on to win a championship not long after, as DeAndre Jordan just did in Denver. No one actually takes the Knicks seriously. We certainly don’t and you shouldn’t either.

That’s why it’s so important for the Knicks to land one, just one, of these five players this summer. Let us know if you agree. Like the Knicks, we love nothing more than to hear from our passionate fanbase.

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New York Yankees Blame Canada for MLB Postponements With Claims of ‘Poor Air Quality’

New York Yankees

It turns out money can’t buy happiness, even when you’re the New York Yankees, with a $558 million payroll. While this beef has been boiling over for generations, New York’s longstanding rivalry with its neighbors to the north, Canada in this case, has stooped to new lows. 

Look. Nobody likes their neighbors. That’s just a fact. Here we have two areas who likely both feel they have gotten a raw deal. Seriously, imagine being neighbors with New York? Or even worse, being neighbors with Canada? Fuck that shit, right?

The Yankees have tons of money, and they have done their best to ignore their funny-sounding neighbors since 1903, but eventually, you just get sick of putting up with someone else’s shit. Buttons have to be pressed. Changes have to be made. That effort took on a life of its own on Wednesday.

Here we have a scenario where the New York Yankees are now refusing to play baseball, all because of Canada. But, really, think of the situation, do you blame them?

Notice how the New York Yankees are officially blaming Canada? That’s a significant development in this longstanding battle. The Toronto Blue Jays, New York’s American League East rivals, had no comment. But how could they? Who would listen?

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Philadelphia Phillies Copy New York Yankees

Bless the Philadelphia Phillies’ hearts. They heard about New York’s strike against Canada and felt compelled to do the same. But you’ll notice, as tempting as it is, they didn’t try and shift their mess on Canada’s plate.

Although, while Philadelphia is bold, New York gets some additional brownie points for going balls to the wall. They don’t give a fuck. They straight-up blamed Canada.

Meanwhile, Philly? They’re just looking for an excuse for a day off. Do you know they play 162 fucking games? This is likely why the Phillies have boycotted the playoffs in 10 of the past 11 seasons.

Yet, going back to the original issue, is this really even Canada’s fault to begin with? After all, according to IQAir, “New York City’s air quality is officially the worst in the world.” Buzz McFly’s sources can back up these claims: 

“It’s fuckin bullshit out hea! Canada did it again! Can you believe it? There are some with the NERVE, the FUCKIN audacity, sayin we shouldn’t blame Canada? Some conspiracists are theorizin’ the what’s it called, ‘piss-poor air quality’? Yeah, they’re sayin’ it’s cuz of Jersey, you know, the people fartin cuz of the pizza and all that. But lemme tell ya, that ain’t it. I, and this is just between you and me, I don’t think I’ve farted all day, no, all week. Write that down. So yeah, I mean, New Yorkers aren’t even fartin’ anymore. This is all Canada, the proof is in the syrup. Oh, and go Yankees.“

Anonymous sources close to A Fly On A Ball’s Buzz McFly

Really? Not even farting anymore? That’s just not physically possible. Seriously, just look at this scene, and try and tell me with a straight face you haven’t farted all day, no, all week. We just don’t buy it. Shitty neighbors or not. 

This shit doesn’t check out. Something smells way, way off.

The Yankees had no issues choking down their own farts suffering through nine innings in a 3-2 loss to the Chicago White Sox when air quality levels were measured to be unhealthy on Tuesday, so what changed?

Did everyone go out for a post-game burger and brewski, making an unhealthy situation practically unlivable? Now the air quality is actually considered hazardous, which is the same thing they say about natural gases. See a correlation?

How about instead of blaming Canada, we, as a nation, think twice before lifting a cheek and letting ‘er rip? Is it really that difficult? Do we have to continue picking fights with our neighbors, as shitty as they are? As they say, whoever smelt it, dealt it. That’s day one shit.

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