The REAL Story Behind The Saquon Barkley Contract Situation

Saquon Barkley New York Giants Contract Update

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With the NFL deadline for players to sign their franchise tag tenders fast approaching, there are plenty of rumors circulating around Saquon Barkley. As one of the most dynamic running backs in football, everyone in the league is paying close attention to how this situation plays out.

As of the time this article was published, Saquon Barkley still has not signed his franchise tag offer or a long-term deal with the New York Giants. In the past, he has made it clear that his desire is to work out a long-term deal with the Giants. As far as everyone can tell, that feeling is mutual.

Any tagged player who does not sign a multiyear deal with their team by July 17 at 4 pm ET is kind of left between a rock and a hard place. By NFL rules, any unsigned tagged player must either play the 2023 season under the franchise tag terms or be forced to forfeit the tag’s guaranteed salary by electing to sit out the season.

Although it would be a massive disappointment for both football and Giants fans to be deprived of a hangry Saquon terrorizing defenses on Sundays, you shouldn’t be pointing fingers at Barkley if that becomes a reality.

There’s a lot of leaks that happen when it comes to contract disputes. All of these so-called leaks have origins, just not sources anybody is willing to attach their names or reputations to. That’s when you know the rumors swirling are mostly bullshit or fueled by an agenda that has nothing to do with the negotiations or players and teams involved.

When it comes to the contract dispute between the Giants and Saquon, you are dealing with two extremely professional sides of the negotiation table. These are classy people on both sides of the table.

There is no way Saquon and his representatives are leaking anything because where would that get them? Nobody is trying to win a publicity stunt here. There’s too much loyalty at stake.

Historically, the Giants tend to keep things behind closed doors. Joe Schoen certainly doesn’t have interest in publicly ruffling the feathers of one of the team’s most beloved current players. It’s a lose-lose for either side to leak any kind of story regarding these negotiations. Especially one painting the other party in a negative light.

So, why are there caps swirling from nearly every talking asshole with an opinion regarding Saquon Barkley’s contract negotiations? Half the time, you have talking heads spewing opinions as facts that mislead most of the public.

The other half of the time, you have fans with extremely selective hearing or limited comprehension skills. They hear, read, and regurgitate every sports story with their own unique spin on it. After that, stories tend to take on a life of their own.

Trolling fans and the bullshit they spread online are literally the biggest source of fake news on the entire planet. They really ought to be ashamed of themselves. Who would ever resort to circulating fake news or false rumors on the internet? Damn trolls!

However, uninformed fans with a penchant for putting a little English on the ol’ spin aren’t the only ones to blame. There certainly have been some wild negotiation stories spreading from the tweets heard between the sheets.

However, if you want the real story behind the Saquon Barkley contract situation, you’ll need to check your security clearance at the door. If you somehow lost your clearance badge, don’t worry, we’ve had A Fly On The Ball behind the scenes, ready with the full scoop.

There are primarily three factors behind why the New York Football Giants and Saquon Barkley are struggling to come to terms. None of it has to do with greed, at least not on Saquon’s part. That dude has already earned every penny he has coming to him and then some.

The first reason Saquon and the Giants haven’t reached a deal yet is because…

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New York Giants Ban Player Parents From Using Social Media

New York Giants Funny Fantasy Football Names

There are a lot of teams that love to go public about their Super Bowl aspirations heading into the season every year. Looking at you, Jerry Jones. However, the New York Giants are not one of those teams. At least not this year, and historically, giving other teams bulletin board material has not been encouraged by the Big Blue franchise. 

This year’s Giants are quietly heading into the 2023 NFL season seeking to build upon the success they experienced last year. They are ready to work hard and seem to understand the sacrifices it takes to permanently climb out of the cellar of the NFL to emerge as perennial playoff contenders for the first time in over a decade.

Flies hanging around the Giants’ facilities say there is a buzz in the air they have not felt since the 2007 season. The team is eliminating outside noise while preaching accountability and avoiding distractions.

Over the offseason, the distractions have been kept to a minimum. Many Giants fans are eagerly observing the Saquon Barkley contract situation. It just would not feel right for the New York Giants to experience success in any form without Saquon. Both sides know it. 

Barkley is the special kind of player that should be part of the “once a Giant, always a Giant” reputation the franchise boasts about frequently. So is Dexter Lawrence, and the team took the right step in making it a possibility for Sexy Dexy to stick around for a while this offseason. That man is a fucking beast. Andrew Thomas, you’re next in line for a mega deal. 

The future’s looking bright for the New York Giants for the first time in a very long time. Just when everything was going smooth, an unfortunate off-field incident nearly shook the chemistry of this team apart before the season is even close to getting underway. 

While most of Giants nation celebrated the acquisition of Pro Bowl tight end Darren Waller, one reaction from within the team’s family caused an unnecessary off-field distraction for the entire organization. The franchise has kept a lot of the conversation surrounding the details private.

Flies with eyes on the situation share more details about what’s going on inside the facility. Publicly, the New York Giants aren’t saying shit. Internally? Different story.

From the top down, it’s been communicated to all the players that their parents have been banned from using social media from now on. The social media ban comes in an effort to eliminate potential off-field distractions. It seems there is always one bad apple that ruins it for everyone.

In this case, the player whose father is responsible for the social media ban is none other than promising young tight end Daniel Bellinger. It’s no secret that the New York Giants traded for star tight end Darren Waller in the offseason. Frank Bellinger, the father of Daniel, took offense to the trade, to the point where he got into a verbal altercation with The Athletic’s Tim Graham by slipping into his DMs.

Now, before Frank slips into old Buzz McFly’s DMs, it should be noted that Daniel Bellinger always had a promising future in the NFL, and he still does. Why? Because Daniel works his fucking ass off, he plays smart football, and he holds himself accountable while maintaining an extremely coachable attitude. 

Daniel has a great work ethic, and he is the prototypical definition of a locker room guy. He is also tough as nails. Daniel took a brutal shot to his eye socket that literally fractured his orbital bone against the Jacksonville Jaguars in Week 7 of the New York Giants’ 2022 season. 

The gruesome injury required surgery and resulted in Bellinger seeing double vision without having any beers for a while. Eventually, everything checked out, and Daniel only needed six weeks to get back to playing football, earning him the badass nickname Robocop. That’s one tough sonuvabitch.

It’s understandable why Frank’s pride was hurt. He’s fucking proud of his son, and he should be. His son was born to play tight end in the NFL, and he proves that over and over again, snap after snap. He made it to the big show, and he fucking belongs on the roster of the New York Giants.

However, this is the NFL in 2023. You need to have as many weapons and chess pieces on the field as you can possibly figure out how to use. It certainly doesn’t hurt to have two starting-caliber tight ends on the roster.

This is an opportunity for Daniel to learn from one of the greatest tight ends of this generation. Not to mention, Waller has a clear size, speed, and experience advantage over Daniel at this point. There is a chance this New York Giants offense could be nasty with the weapons they have surrounding Daniel Jones and Barkley. That’s only going to open more doors for Bellinger to showcase his well-rounded skillset.

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Robocop Started Weightlifting and Plays for the New York Giants

Don’t tell that to Daniel Bellinger though. He seems to have developed a WWE-sized chip on his shoulder during the offseason. His teammates must have given him a lot of shit about his dad having to defend Daniel to a reporter. Why? Because Bellinger just showed up to the New York Giants OTAs making Arnold Schwarzenegger look average.

Friends of friends are buzzing around the New York Giants’ OTAs while sensing a different vibe recently. Players seem a little more timid around Bellinger, suddenly. For starters, absolutely nobody is giving Bellinger shit about his dad anymore. In fact, nobody is giving Daniel Bellinger any kind of shit anymore.

Not even Eli Manning. As many of you know, Manning has been bored out of his mind since hitting the unemployment line a few years ago. He spends most of his time around the Giants’ facility these days, keeping every speck of dust off the two Lombardi trophies he helped the team win.

Flies who buzz around the trophies report he stops by the front desk every day to see if they have any job openings for a quarterback. Sorry Eli, word has it the scouting department has their eye on this Chad Powers kid out of Penn State to back Danny Dimes up soon.

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NFL Insiders Preparing for Shift to Flag Football

NFL Flag Football

It’s the offseason which means the NFL has nothing better to do with their time. While twiddling their thumbs over cocktails at the annual spring meeting, team owners approved a new kickoff rule without any regard for the fans or the game itself.

The new kickoff rule essentially eliminates the return game as a weapon in special teams. Each year, the NFL takes steps to drastically reduce the chances of another Bill Belichick ever rising through the ranks by eliminating special teams altogether.

Belichick cut his teeth in the NFL as an assistant special teams coach with the Detroit Lions and Denver Broncos back in the 1970s. He continued his journey as the New York Giants‘ special teams coordinator from 1979 to 1984. Today, the entire football world pretty much agrees that Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots is the goat of NFL head coaches in the modern era, if not of all time.

However, he got his humble beginnings as an assistant special teams coordinator. If there is anybody in the entire league who understands the importance of special teams, it’s Billy Goat. Ask Belichick a question about anything related to the game that was just played and you will be stonewalled with a cold blank stare or a response so short, you’ll miss it if you blink.

However, Billy Goat once famously gave a 1,039-word response to a question about what it was like for Gino Cappelletti to kick field goals back in the 1960s. The fucking sixties, man. Billy Goat would have been a schoolboy at the time.

A friend of a friend was buzzing around one of the Super Bowl game balls on Belichick’s mantle when news broke of the kickoff rule changes. Rumor has it, his facial expression was unchanged but there was a sense of disappointment in the air to complement the stench of second-hand clam chowder fumes.

Other coaches went public with their displeasure over the rule changes. Andy Reid, the head coach of the defending Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs, didn’t hold back his suspicions while addressing the press through the league-owned NFL Network.

“My thing is, where does it stop, right?” Reid said. “We start taking pieces and we’ll see how this goes. But you don’t want to take too many pieces away, or you’ll be playing flag football.”

Is there a conspiracy brewing in Roger Goodell’s favorite coffee? Big Red is suggesting there might be a plan in place to gradually shift the game toward flag football permanently. Fans are in an uproar as reported by flies hovering around fresh steamy piles all over the world. Nobody wants to see the game become more suitable for fucking pussies.

Current and former players are chiming in on the issue right now. Pat McAfee, a former punting and drunken skinny-dipping standout of the Indianapolis Colts, gave zero fucks with his on-the-record response, “It’s the most amateur, bush-league-looking bullshit I have seen in a long time when it comes to the NFL.”

This really shouldn’t come as a surprise to people who have been following the rule changes of the game over the past few decades. The NFL has essentially made grabassin’ illegal, as outgoing Washington Commanders owner Dan Snyder can attest to.

In the past, other rule changes have sparked outrage amongst the most elite NFL alumni members. Other players have come out in full support of making the game as safe as possible, even if that includes bubble wrap and manicures. 

The NFL’s own golden boy, Brett Favre, chimed in on the state of the game recently as well. It seems as though he supports the NFL’s eventual shift to flag football.

“You have to believe that every time a kid is tackled, that she or he is doing detrimental things to their brain that may be irreversible.” Favre continued, “That is really scary.”

When he’s not busy putting all the mustard on it, Favre still manages to stay in the headlines years after the glory of his playing days have long gone. He really can do no wrong, so it makes sense that he’s in on the conspiracy to swap the NFL rulebook out for a flag football manual.

From his upstanding off-field reputation combined with his Super Bowl winning year in Green Bay to his unforgettable season as a New York Jet, you’d have to dig really deep to find any dirt on one of the greatest cheeseheads to ever grace the gridiron. That’s probably why the league is using Brett Favre as the player safety spokesperson for their shift to flag football.

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