The REAL Story Behind The Saquon Barkley Contract Situation

Saquon Barkley New York Giants Contract Update

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With the NFL deadline for players to sign their franchise tag tenders fast approaching, there are plenty of rumors circulating around Saquon Barkley. As one of the most dynamic running backs in football, everyone in the league is paying close attention to how this situation plays out.

As of the time this article was published, Saquon Barkley still has not signed his franchise tag offer or a long-term deal with the New York Giants. In the past, he has made it clear that his desire is to work out a long-term deal with the Giants. As far as everyone can tell, that feeling is mutual.

Any tagged player who does not sign a multiyear deal with their team by July 17 at 4 pm ET is kind of left between a rock and a hard place. By NFL rules, any unsigned tagged player must either play the 2023 season under the franchise tag terms or be forced to forfeit the tag’s guaranteed salary by electing to sit out the season.

Although it would be a massive disappointment for both football and Giants fans to be deprived of a hangry Saquon terrorizing defenses on Sundays, you shouldn’t be pointing fingers at Barkley if that becomes a reality.

There’s a lot of leaks that happen when it comes to contract disputes. All of these so-called leaks have origins, just not sources anybody is willing to attach their names or reputations to. That’s when you know the rumors swirling are mostly bullshit or fueled by an agenda that has nothing to do with the negotiations or players and teams involved.

When it comes to the contract dispute between the Giants and Saquon, you are dealing with two extremely professional sides of the negotiation table. These are classy people on both sides of the table.

There is no way Saquon and his representatives are leaking anything because where would that get them? Nobody is trying to win a publicity stunt here. There’s too much loyalty at stake.

Historically, the Giants tend to keep things behind closed doors. Joe Schoen certainly doesn’t have interest in publicly ruffling the feathers of one of the team’s most beloved current players. It’s a lose-lose for either side to leak any kind of story regarding these negotiations. Especially one painting the other party in a negative light.

So, why are there caps swirling from nearly every talking asshole with an opinion regarding Saquon Barkley’s contract negotiations? Half the time, you have talking heads spewing opinions as facts that mislead most of the public.

The other half of the time, you have fans with extremely selective hearing or limited comprehension skills. They hear, read, and regurgitate every sports story with their own unique spin on it. After that, stories tend to take on a life of their own.

Trolling fans and the bullshit they spread online are literally the biggest source of fake news on the entire planet. They really ought to be ashamed of themselves. Who would ever resort to circulating fake news or false rumors on the internet? Damn trolls!

However, uninformed fans with a penchant for putting a little English on the ol’ spin aren’t the only ones to blame. There certainly have been some wild negotiation stories spreading from the tweets heard between the sheets.

However, if you want the real story behind the Saquon Barkley contract situation, you’ll need to check your security clearance at the door. If you somehow lost your clearance badge, don’t worry, we’ve had A Fly On The Ball behind the scenes, ready with the full scoop.

There are primarily three factors behind why the New York Football Giants and Saquon Barkley are struggling to come to terms. None of it has to do with greed, at least not on Saquon’s part. That dude has already earned every penny he has coming to him and then some.

The first reason Saquon and the Giants haven’t reached a deal yet is because…

1. Running Backs Have Been Canceled

Unfortunately, being a running back in the NFL right now is pretty much like being Meg Griffin. Nobody likes Meg. When society doesn’t like something, they bully and ignore it into pure humiliation until cancel culture’s target no longer feels safe. That’s exactly what’s happening to running backs in the NFL right now.

With the kind of money being offered to running backs in the NFL this offseason, it’s quite clear ballcarriers are being targeted and humiliated by these lowballing scumbags. The goal is always social humiliation and public shaming of the highest order. So, why not find ways to make running backs social enemy number one?

Just like hitting the quarterback, tackling in general, and Roger Goodell, running backs have been canceled. After decades of dominance in a role of prominence, cancel culture has finally caught up to the running back position.

Sorry, Saquon. You still have some fans out there but everyone screams in their faces that running backs aren’t worth the money anymore and that you can just replace him ‘for pennies on the dollar’ by an undrafted free agent who is currently working at Wendy’s.

A fucking seventh-rounder can do this? I guess some fans really are delusional. Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

2. They’re In Cahoots!

At this point, if you think the NFL is not in cahoots against running backs, you need to go take a trip to your pantry. Find the tinfoil and proceed to shape it into a hat you can wear on your head. Put it on.

Now, isn’t it coming in crystal clear? It should be by now. Consider the facts. Back in 2019, Jerry Jones was feeling glorious after a night of line dancing. He decided to offer Ezekiel Elliott a six-year, $90-million contract, which Zeke, of course, signed immediately.

Yee-Haw! How ‘Bout ‘Dem Cowboys?

But do you want to know the REAL reason why Jerry Jones offered Elliott that deal? He knew exactly what he was doing. He had never seen any running back beast the way Saquon Barkley did after storming through his 2018 NFL Rookie of the Year campaign. 

Jones knew back then that Zeke’s ceiling was the unemployment line. He intentionally tried to screw the Barkley-Giants negotiations over, in advance, by setting the running back market way too high. His sabotage worked. 

In comes rookie NFL owner David Tepper, who was still green in the face. So green that he handed Christian McCaffrey a few too many bags of cash before ultimately sending him packing to the San Francisco 49ers.

This kind of overspending eventually led to a meeting between all the NFL owners to finally admit:

“Okay, enough is enough.”

– All NFL Owners In Cahoots Against Running Backs, probably

They took a few bags of snow away from ol’ Jonesy as punishment and decided that no team will ever be allowed to give running backs that kind of money again. This, of course, happened behind ‘secretly’ closed doors, but there’s always a fly on the ball, wall, or stall somewhere. 

3. Current NFL RB Market Is Unreasonable

Between running backs being canceled and the obvious anti-RB alliance happening in the NFL right now, who is the real villain here? The victims are clear. Running backs are the ones being treated unfairly. 

Is it really fair to flash those kinds of bags in front of the workhorses who grind out the toughest yards in the NFL, only to take them away and say never again? Not at all. The kids who put in the gym hours like Master Splinter while risking their knees and other brutal bodily sacrifices deserve better.

Who can forget the late, great Jim Brown or the Sweetness? Can you watch tape of Barry Sanders and say the game would be better if we phased his position out of football? How would you like it if Bo Jackson only played baseball because it just wouldn’t have made sense for him to become a running back?

Shame on you, cancel culture and collusion. You’re all in cahoots. If one thing is clear in all of this mess, it’s that the NFL is better with Saquon Barkley on the football field. Period.

In this case, the New York Giants have a choice to not be the villain in this clear and vicious witch hunt against running backs. John Mara and Joe Schoen, you have the opportunity to be the change you want to see in the world. Set the example, don’t be the douche of the story.

Sure, everybody else is being cautious with ‘running back money,’ but you can still build a great team around the greatest running back who will ever suit up for the Giants. All you have to do is hand Saquon Barkley the bag.

Done deal. See? That wasn’t so difficult, was it? 

Think of it this way, if he was a wide receiver, would he be worth it? WRs still seem to be getting designer bags and doing the Griddy. Barkley can catch out of the backfield and downfield. In fact, he’s pretty darn good at it.

Not only that, Saquon can juke almost any defender out of their boots and if all else fails, he can just run over them. He’s also one of the most respected guys in the entire locker room. That should count for something.

For the love of God, just get the fucking deal done, Giants! The ball is literally in your court and you have the chance to head into the season with zero distractions if you just get a little fresh ink on that Barkley contract.

As for all the other speculation surrounding the Saquon Barkley contract situation, unless you hear news from 26 himself or his representatives, there is nothing to report.

Meanwhile, in football-related Saquon Barkley news, a fly hovering around the gym recently spotted the star RB squatting 650 pounds without breaking a sweat at 4 am. This fly on the wall reports that 26 is in the best shape of his life and all the guy wants to do is play football.

Saquon has been quoted several times stating that he’s not looking to reset the running back market and his desire is to remain a Giant for life. There’s not much else to add to that. So, unless you want to talk football, you can add one more quote from Saquon to the fucking list:

“Don’t @ me with 🧢🧢, bro”

– Probably Saquon Barkley Every Time Someone Tweets Caps About His Contract

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Buzz McFly hears all the latest buzz through his impressive network consisting of millions of flies swarming near every pile of shit in the entire world. When shit goes down, Buzz has eyes on the scene waiting to bask in the latest filth and dirt. Growing up an avid sports fan, his credibility in the field is second to none. He comes from a long line of spectator sporting event reporters willing to lay it all on the line for a fresh scoop of the latest news before it breaks wind anywhere else.

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